Our practice does not prescribe S8 drugs or drugs of dependence on the first consultation.


Our practice understands that some patients have chronic pain. And this needs to be treated fairly and appropriately. We have systems and processes to identify patients who abuse the trust of GPs in procuring S8 Drugs and other drugs of dependence. If a doctor identifies you are a doctor shopper they will give you the option to address your addiction appropriately with compassion. If you do not want to participate in this process you will be asked to seek treatment elsewhere and will be reported to the Doctor Shopper Hotline.

Dr Paul Mercer is known and respected for his work with Drug and Alcohol addiction. He has assisted many patients in leaving their addiction and dependency behind them. A number of doctors at our practice are able to assist patients with chronic pain please note our practice aims to treat with not just medication.


  • Smoking

  • Alcohol abuse and misuse

  • Drug Addiction

  • Opioid dependence

  • Gambling

  • Video Games

  • Porn

Chronic Pain:

  • Prescriptions

  • Referrals and team care with pain specialists and relevant allied health

  • Exercise Physio and Physio

Patients who are prescribed long-term addictive medication will be required to sign an agreement with the treating doctor. Click here to read the agreement.